Browse all the word lists. 1092 lists found.

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Prepositional phrases in English within reach, within living memory, while we're young, out of practice, on the cheap, on the carpet, off the hinges, in the world, in one's day 500 Words of a certain type
Phrases in English you could have fooled me, what's your job, what's yer poison, time will tell, spring forward, fall back, once or twice, nice to meet you, I'm good, AINEC 500 Words of a certain type
Proverbs in English you don't dip your pen in company ink, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, why keep a dog and bark yourself, when in Rome, do like the Romans do, when in Rome, do as the Romans do, when in Rome, do as the Romans, when in Rome, money doesn't grow on trees, location, location, location 500 Words of a certain type
Proper nouns in English West Dorset, Ōita, Gwladys, Gunpowder Treason, Guaman, Doerfler, Bulmer, Bull, AAAM 500 Words of a certain type
Adjectives in English same, own, other, one, new, last, good, first, all 500 Words of a certain type
Adverbs in English very, up, then, so, out, only, now, not, just 500 Words of a certain type
Interjections in English yes, ooh, oh, mm, mhm, hello, eh, aye, ah 500 Words of a certain type
Verbs in English would, will, see, may, know, have, do, can, be 500 Words of a certain type
Prepositions in English with, to, on, of, in, from, for, by, at 500 Words of a certain type
Articles in English zee, ze, tho, the, thay, le, hoi, de, a 12 Words of a certain type
Nouns in English year, world, work, way, time, man, life, government, day 500 Words of a certain type
Numerals in English yoleven, twenty-four, thirty-seventh, thirty-seven, thirty-second, fifty thousand, fifty, eighty-sixth, eighty-six 334 Words of a certain type
Suffixes in English -polises, -onym, -mas, -ise, -er, -er, -'er, -bound, -ate 500 Words of a certain type
Pronouns in English you, which, what, we, there, she, it, her, he 500 Words of a certain type
Abbreviations in English pizz., Ly-α, LAR, LA, KVCD, KS, hr, Bx, BEO 500 Words of a certain type
Symbols in English uK, ucd, riyal, PRO, Isp, IRR, AAC, a, A 42 Words of a certain type
Numbers in English twenty-nine, sixty-five, sixty-eight, fifty-nine, fifty-four, fifty-five, fifty-eight, eleven hundred, A 32 Words of a certain type
Letters in English Appendix:Capital letter, a, A 3 Words of a certain type
Words ending with the phoneme voiceless dental fricative /θ/ truth, south, smith, north, mouth, month, health, growth, death 275 Words with a particular phonetical ending
Words containing the phoneme voiceless dental fricative /θ/ through, think, thing, south, something, nothing, north, health, anything 500 Words containing a certain phoneme
Words beginning with the phoneme voiceless dental fricative /θ/ throughout, through, threat, third, think, thing, thin, theory, theatre 268 Words with a particular phonetical beginning
Words ending with the phoneme glottal stop /ʔ/ water parade, sarpork, Qapla', fuhgeddaboudit 4 Words with a particular phonetical ending
Words containing the phoneme glottal stop /ʔ/ uh-uh, uh-oh, planetarium, humuhumunukunukuapuaa, huh-uh, grunt work, glottal stop, fuhgeddaboudit, Amazigh 22 Words containing a certain phoneme
Words beginning with the phoneme glottal stop /ʔ/ XXX, Amazigh 2 Words with a particular phonetical beginning
Words ending with the phoneme near-open central unrounded vowel /ʌ/ moa, huh, gossypiboma, Dzūkija, dysplasia, duh, bruh, ammonia, adenoma 15 Words with a particular phonetical ending
Words containing the phoneme near-open central unrounded vowel /ʌ/ us, up, under, something, other, must, government, company, come 500 Words containing a certain phoneme
Words beginning with the phoneme near-open central unrounded vowel /ʌ/ us, up, until, unemployment, understand, under, unable, otherwise, other 460 Words with a particular phonetical beginning
Words ending with the diphthong /ɪə/ year, severe, require, junior, idea, fear, entire, empire, appear 329 Words with a particular phonetical ending
Words containing the diphthong /ɪə/ year, series, royal, really, idea, here, hear, clear, area 500 Words containing a certain phoneme
Words beginning with the diphthong /ɪə/ eyrie, eros, era, eerily, eerie, earshot, earpiece, earache, ear 14 Words with a particular phonetical beginning
Words ending with the phoneme near-close near-front unrounded vowel /ɪ/ why, way, say, really, may, day, company, by, away 500 Words with a particular phonetical ending
Words containing the phoneme near-close near-front unrounded vowel /ɪ/ with, we, she, it, in, if, he, by, be 500 Words containing a certain phoneme
Words beginning with the phoneme near-close near-front unrounded vowel /ɪ/ into, interest, it, information, in, important, if, example, economic 500 Words with a particular phonetical beginning
Words ending with the phoneme voiced velar stop /ɡ/ leg, league, fig., egg, drug, dog, catalogue, big, bag 303 Words with a particular phonetical ending
Words containing the phoneme voiced velar stop /ɡ/ group, great, government, good, go, give, get, against, again 500 Words containing a certain phoneme
Words beginning with the phoneme voiced velar stop /ɡ/ group, great, government, good, god, go, give, girl, get 500 Words with a particular phonetical beginning
Words ending with the phoneme mid central vowel /ɜː/ watercolour, transfer, stir, spur, refer, prefer, occur, infer, confer 89 Words with a particular phonetical ending
Words containing the phoneme mid central vowel /ɜː/ world, work, third, service, research, person, first, early, certain 500 Words containing a certain phoneme
Words beginning with the phoneme mid central vowel /ɜː/ urgent, urge, urban, earthquake, earnestly, earn, early, earl, aerial 70 Words with a particular phonetical beginning
Words ending with the phoneme open-mid back rounded vowel /ɒ/ patois, morna, kumbaya, hoopla, ganja, fa, chutzpah, brother-in-law, avatar 53 Words with a particular phonetical ending
Words containing the phoneme open-mid back rounded vowel /ɒ/ what, want, part, or, of, not, last, however, from 500 Words containing a certain phoneme
Words beginning with the phoneme open-mid back rounded vowel /ɒ/ order, or, often, off, of, always, although, already, almost 500 Words with a particular phonetical beginning
Words ending with the phoneme open back unrounded vowel /ɑː/ tsar, spa, repertoire, la, grandma, car, bourgeois, bar, aa 195 Words with a particular phonetical ending
Words containing the phoneme open back unrounded vowel /ɑː/ rather, party, part, market, last, large, father, example, car 500 Words containing a certain phoneme
Words beginning with the phoneme open back unrounded vowel /ɑː/ ask, article, art, army, arm, argument, answer, afterwards, afternoon 213 Words with a particular phonetical beginning
Words ending with the phoneme voiced palato-alveolar sibilant /ʒ/ village, stage, range, large, language, knowledge, charge, change, age 403 Words with a particular phonetical ending
Words containing the phoneme voiced palato-alveolar sibilant /ʒ/ usually, range, management, large, john, job, general, education, age 500 Words containing a certain phoneme
Words beginning with the phoneme voiced palato-alveolar sibilant /ʒ/ jus, jupe, jete, jacquerie, j'accuse, jabot, gendarmerie, gendarme, gégène 27 Words with a particular phonetical beginning
Words ending with the diphthong /ʊə/ pure, premature, mature, lure, insure, flower, flour, ensure, assure 74 Words with a particular phonetical ending
Words containing the diphthong /ʊə/ usually, usual, security, power, individual, hour, ensure, during, agricultural 420 Words containing a certain phoneme