Browse all the word lists. 1092 lists found.

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Words with the morpheme "vert, vers" version, university, universe, universal, reverse, poverty, overseas, nevertheless, conversation 1000 Words with a certain spelling
Words with the morpheme "ject" subjective, subject, rejection, reject, project, objective, objection, object, injection 559 Words with a certain spelling
Words with the prefix "fact, fac" faculty, factual, factory, factor, faction, fact, facility, facilitate, face 333 Words beginning with certain letters
Words with the suffix "pel, puls" repel, propel, lapel, gospel, expel, dispel, compel, chapel, capel 79 Words with a certain ending
Words with the prefix "aqua" aquavit, aquatint, aquatic, aquarium, aquarist, aquarian, aquamarine, aquaculture, aqua 111 Words beginning with certain letters
Words with the morpheme "cred" sacred, incredibly, incredible, discredit, creditor, credit, credible, credibility, accreditation 177 Words with a certain spelling
Words with the morpheme "flec, flex" reflex, reflective, reflection, reflectance, reflect, inflexible, flexible, flexibility, flex 394 Words with a certain spelling
Words with the morpheme "dict, dic" ridiculous, radical, medicine, medical, jurisdiction, judicial, indication, indicate, dictionary 1000 Words with a certain spelling
Words with the morpheme "struct, stru" struggle, structure, structural, reconstruction, instrument, instruction, destruction, construction, construct 757 Words with a certain spelling
Words with the morpheme "spect, spec" specifically, specific, species, specialist, special, respectively, respect, especially, aspect 922 Words with a certain spelling
Words with the morpheme "rupt" interruption, eruption, disruption, corruption, corrupt, bankruptcy, bankrupt, abruptly, abrupt 166 Words with a certain spelling
Words with the morpheme "tract" extraction, extract, contractual, contractor, contract, attractive, attraction, attract, abstract 456 Words with a certain spelling
Words with the morpheme "form" reform, performance, perform, information, formula, former, formation, formal, form 1000 Words with a certain spelling
Words with the morpheme "port" transport, support, sport, report, proportion, port, opportunity, important, importance 1000 Words with a certain spelling
Words with the morpheme "phobia" xenophobia, photophobia, phobia, neophobia, homophobia, claustrophobia, arachnophobia, anglophobia, agoraphobia 527 Words with a certain spelling
Words with the prefix "chron" chronotope, chronometer, chronology, chronologically, chronological, chronicler, chronicle, chronically, chronic 142 Words beginning with certain letters
Words with the prefix "zoo" zoot, zooplankton, zoom, zoology, zoologist, zoologically, zoological, zoogeographical, zoo 362 Words beginning with certain letters
Words with the prefix "pan" pantomime, panoramic, panorama, panic, panel, pancreatitis, pancreatic, pancreas, pan 925 Words beginning with certain letters
Words with the morpheme "path, pass" sympathy, sympathetic, path, passive, passionate, passion, passenger, passage, pass 1000 Words with a certain spelling
Words with the morpheme "meter, metr" symmetry, parameter, metropolitan, metre, meter, geometry, geometric, diameter, cemetery 1000 Words with a certain spelling
Words with the prefix "tele" telex, television, telescope, telephone, telegraph, telegram, telecommunication, telecom, telecaster 534 Words beginning with certain letters
Words with the prefix "phot-o" photosynthesis, photon, photography, photographic, photographer, photograph, photocopy, photocopier, photo 921 Words beginning with certain letters
Words with the morpheme "graph" telegraph, photography, photographic, photographer, photograph, paragraph, graph, geography, geographical 1000 Words with a certain spelling
Words with the morpheme "scope" telescope, tachistoscope, stethoscope, scope, oscilloscope, microscope, kaleidoscope, horoscope, endoscope 322 Words with a certain spelling
Words with the prefix "macro" macrovascular, macroura, macroscopically, macroscopic, macrophage, macroeconomics, macroeconomic, macro-economic, macro 472 Words beginning with certain letters
Words with the prefix "micro" microwave, microscopy, microscopic, microscope, microprocessor, microphone, microfilm, microcomputer, micro 1000 Words beginning with certain letters
Words with the prefix "hydr-o" hydroxide, hydrogen, hydroelectric, hydrochloric, hydrocarbon, hydro-electric, hydro, hydraulic, hydra 978 Words beginning with certain letters
Words with the prefix "hom-o" homosexuality, homosexual, homogeneous, homework, homeless, homeland, home-made, home, homage 916 Words beginning with certain letters
Words with the prefix "aut-o" autumn, autonomy, autonomous, automatically, automatic, authority, authoritative, author, authentic 1000 Words beginning with certain letters
Words with the prefix "therm" thermostatic, thermostat, thermos, thermonuclear, thermometer, thermodynamics, thermodynamic, thermally, thermal 381 Words beginning with certain letters
Words with the prefix "ge-o" get, german, genuine, gently, gentleman, gentle, generation, generally, general 1000 Words beginning with certain letters
Words with the prefix "bi-o" bitter, bishop, birthday, birth, bird, billion, bill, big, bid 1000 Words beginning with certain letters
Words with the prefix "astr-o" astronomy, astronomical, astronomer, astronaut, astrology, astrological, astrologer, astride, astray 285 Words beginning with certain letters
Words with the prefix "em-" empty, employment, employer, employee, empire, emphasis, emperor, emotional, emergency 1000 Words beginning with certain letters
Words with the prefix "en-" environmental, environment, entirely, ensure, enough, enjoy, english, energy, end 1000 Words beginning with certain letters
Words with the prefix "counter-" counterproductive, counterpoint, counterpart, counterfeit, counterclaim, counteract, counter-productive, counter-attack, counter 567 Words beginning with certain letters
Words with the prefix "contra-" contrast, contrary, contradictory, contradiction, contractual, contractor, contraction, contract, contraception 209 Words beginning with certain letters
Words with the prefix "anti-" antislavery, antiquity, antique, antigen, anticipation, anticipate, antibody, antibiotic, anti 1000 Words beginning with certain letters
Words with the prefix "an-" anyway, anything, anyone, any, answer, another, annual, and, analysis 1000 Words beginning with certain letters
Words with the prefix "a-" at, any, another, and, all, against, again, after, about 1000 Words beginning with certain letters
Words with the prefix "ir-" irritation, irrespective, irrelevant, irregular, irony, ironically, ironic, iron, iris 779 Words beginning with certain letters
Words with the prefix "il-" illustration, illustrate, illusion, illumination, illness, illegitimate, illegally, illegal, ill 420 Words beginning with certain letters
Words with the prefix "im-" improve, impossible, important, importance, impact, immediately, immediate, imagine, image 1000 Words beginning with certain letters
Words with the prefix "in-" into, international, interest, information, industry, individual, indeed, increase, in 1000 Words beginning with certain letters
Words with the prefix "un-" until, unless, university, unit, union, unemployment, understand, under, unable 1000 Words beginning with certain letters
Words with the prefix "non-" nonsense, nonetheless, none, nonconformist, non-verbal, non-stop, non-standard, non-existent, non-aligned 1000 Words beginning with certain letters
Words with the prefix "be-" between, below, believe, behind, before, bed, become, because, be 1000 Words beginning with certain letters
Words with the prefix "col-" column, colour, college, collective, collection, collect, collapse, colin, cold 1000 Words beginning with certain letters
Words with the prefix "con-" control, contract, continue, context, contact, considerable, consider, conference, concern 1000 Words beginning with certain letters
Words with the prefix "com-" computer, complex, complete, company, community, common, committee, commission, come 1000 Words beginning with certain letters