Words with the prefix "aut-o" (1,000)

This morpheme tends to mean "self". Some of the most representative words that include it are: autism, automatic, autoimmune, autograph

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  • authority
  • author
  • autumn
  • automatically
  • automatic
  • autonomy
  • autonomous
  • authentic
  • authoritative
  • authoritarian
  • autobiography
  • automation
  • authenticity
  • authorisation
  • auto
  • automobile
  • authorise
  • autocratic
  • autobiographical
  • autograph
  • authorship
  • autonomic
  • authorization
  • automotive
  • autocracy
  • autoimmune
  • authorize
  • autopsy
  • authorial
  • authoritarianism
  • autumnal
  • autistic
  • autoradiography
  • autobahn
  • authentically
  • authoritatively
  • automate
  • automaton
  • autonomously
  • autocrat
  • authentication
  • autopilot
  • autonomization
  • autism
  • autocue
  • auto-immune
  • authenticate
  • autocorrelation
  • autorotation
  • autocatalyst
  • authoress
  • autarchy
  • automatism
  • autoroute
  • autochrome
  • auteur
  • authigenic
  • autoradiogram
  • autoradiograph
  • autofocus
  • autoradiographed
  • autarchic
  • autoantibody
  • autologous
  • autoradiographic
  • autostrada
  • autocratically
  • autocephalous
  • autocrine
  • autosomal
  • autobiographer
  • autarch
  • autarky
  • autofluorescence
  • autoimmunity
  • automaker
  • autonomist
  • autophosphorylation
  • autoregressive
  • autotomy
  • autarkic
  • auto-suggestion
  • autobus
  • autoregulation
  • autoregulatory
  • autoshaping
  • autochthonous
  • autoclave
  • autodidact
  • autogenic
  • autogiro
  • automaticity
  • automatization
  • autopoiesis
  • auto-da-fe
  • autoanalyser
  • autogyro
  • autoinjector
  • autoparts
  • autopoietic
  • autotitrator
  • auteurist
  • authentics
  • authorially
  • authoritativeness
  • authorless
  • autocatalytic
  • autochanger
  • autodigestion
  • autotransplantation
  • autosampler
  • autotest
  • autem
  • auteurism
  • authenticator
  • authenticism
  • auto-
  • autodialler
  • autoflow
  • autogenous
  • autogolpe
  • autohelm
  • autowinder
  • autoloader
  • autotype
  • automatisation
  • automobilia
  • auton
  • autoreactive
  • autoshaped
  • autosport
  • autosuggestion
  • autotelic
  • autotransformer
  • authenticist
  • authentique
  • authoritie
  • autistically
  • auto-off
  • autoactivation
  • autoanalysis
  • autoanalyzer
  • autoantigen
  • autobiog
  • autobiographically
  • autoblock
  • autobox
  • autocannon
  • autocentric
  • autocephalic
  • autunite
  • autoconfig
  • autoconfiguration
  • autocook
  • autocorrelator
  • autodefrost
  • autodidactic
  • autoeroticism
  • autofill
  • autofire
  • autoflash
  • autofluorescent
  • autohagiography
  • autohypnosis
  • autozero
  • autoland
  • automethylation
  • automobility
  • automorphism
  • autophilia
  • autophosphorylated
  • autoportrait
  • autopsychological
  • autoranging
  • autoreactivity
  • autoregression
  • autoregulate
  • autorepression
  • autoreverse
  • autoscope
  • autosome
  • autosplenectomy
  • autotelism
  • autotherapy
  • autotimer
  • AUT
  • aut-
  • autacoid
  • autantonym
  • autapomorph
  • autapomorphic
  • autapomorphically
  • autapomorphous
  • autapomorphy
  • autapse
  • autaptic
  • autarchoglossan
  • autard
  • autarkical
  • autarkically
  • autassassinophilia
  • Autauga
  • Autauga County
  • Autauga Creek
  • autecological
  • autecologist
  • autecology
  • autem bawler
  • autem cackle tub
  • autem cackler
  • autem cove
  • autem dipper
  • autem diver
  • autem gogler
  • autem jet
  • autem mort
  • autem prickear
  • autem quaver
  • autem quaver tub
  • autem-gogler
  • Auten
  • auteurial
  • auteurship
  • autexousious
  • auth
  • Auth
  • auth.
  • Auth.
  • Auth. Ver.
  • authalic
  • Authement
  • Authenreith
  • authentic cadence
  • authenticable
  • authentical
  • authenticalness
  • authenticatable
  • authentick
  • authenticke
  • authentickly
  • authenticly
  • authenticness
  • authentification
  • authentiquely
  • authigenically
  • author of life
  • authorable
  • authorcraft
  • authordom
  • authorhood
  • authorial intent
  • authoriality
  • authoring program
  • authorisable
  • authorised term
  • authoriser
  • authorish
  • authorism
  • authoritarianist
  • authoritarianly
  • authorityless
  • authorizable
  • authorized term
  • Authorized Version
  • authorizer
  • authorlike
  • authorling
  • authorly
  • authour
  • authouress
  • authourity
  • authourize
  • authourship
  • authress
  • autie
  • Autin
  • autism spectrum
  • autism spectrum disorder
  • autismland
  • autist
  • autistic spectrum
  • autistic spectrum disorder
  • autistiform
  • Auto
  • auto body
  • auto da fe
  • auto da fé
  • auto de fe
  • auto de fé
  • auto insurance
  • auto mechanic
  • auto park
  • auto racing
  • auto shop
  • auto show
  • auto transport truck
  • auto-antonym
  • autunitic
  • auto-block
  • auto-brewery syndrome
  • auto-da-fé
  • auto-de-fe
  • auto-de-fé
  • auto-directional
  • auto-education
  • auto-ethnocide
  • auto-forwarding
  • auto-genocide
  • auto-injector
  • auto-insurance
  • auto-intoxication
  • auto-lube
  • auto-racing
  • auto-redirect
  • auto-redirection
  • auto-redox
  • auto-reply
  • auto-shuffle
  • auto-tiering
  • auto-tune
  • auto-tuner
  • Auto.
  • autoacceleration
  • autoacetylated
  • autoacetylation
  • autoactivate
  • autoadjust
  • autoadjustment
  • autoadjuvant
  • autoadministered
  • autoagglutinating
  • autoagglutination
  • autoaggregation
  • autoaggressive
  • autoalgometer
  • autoalgometric
  • autoalgometry
  • autoalign
  • autoalignment
  • autoallergy
  • autoamplification
  • autoamplificatory
  • autoamputate
  • autoamputation
  • autoanalingus
  • autoandrophilia
  • autoanswer
  • autoantigenic
  • autoantigenicity
  • autoantonym
  • autoapomorphic
  • autoassociative
  • autoassociator
  • autoaway
  • autobalancing
  • autobarotropic
  • autobarotropy
  • autobasidium
  • autobaud
  • autobicycle
  • autobio
  • autobiochemical
  • autobiografiction
  • autobiografictional
  • autobiographic
  • autobiographism
  • autobiographist
  • autobiopic
  • autobiotinylation
  • autoblanking
  • autobody
  • autoboot
  • autoboxed
  • autoboxing
  • autobracketing
  • autobraking
  • autobuffering
  • autobuffet
  • autocab
  • autocade
  • autocalibrating
  • autocalibration
  • autocancel
  • autocannibalism
  • autocapitalization
  • autocatalyse
  • autocatalysed
  • autocatalysis
  • autocatalytical
  • autocatalytically
  • autocatalyze
  • autocategorisation
  • autocategorization
  • autocategorize
  • autocentrism
  • autocephality
  • autocephaly
  • autochef
  • autochorous
  • autochorously
  • autochory
  • autochronograph
  • autochthon
  • autochthonal
  • autochthone
  • autochthonic
  • autochthonism
  • autochthonously
  • autochthony
  • autochtonous
  • autocidal
  • autocide
  • autoclasis
  • autoclassification
  • autoclassifier
  • autoclassify
  • autoclastic
  • autoclavability
  • autoclavable
  • autoclavation
  • autocleaning
  • autocleavage
  • autoclick
  • autoclip
  • autoclitic
  • autoclose
  • autocode
  • autocoded
  • autocoherer
  • autocoid
  • autocollimation
  • autocollimator
  • autocommit
  • autocomplete
  • autocompletion
  • autoconcurrency
  • autocondensation
  • autoconfigure
  • autoconfirm
  • autoconfirmation
  • autoconfirmed
  • autoconnection
  • autoconstruction
  • autoconvection
  • autoconvective
  • autoconversion
  • autoconvolution
  • autocoprophagy
  • autocorrect
  • autocorrection
  • autocorrective
  • autocorrelate
  • autocorrelated
  • autocorrelating
  • autocorrelational
  • autocorrelative
  • autocorrelogram
  • autocoup
  • autocovariance
  • autocovariate
  • autocratical
  • autocrator
  • autocratorical
  • autocratress
  • autocratrix
  • autocratship
  • autocreation
  • autocrime
  • autocrinal
  • autocrinally
  • autocritical
  • autocriticism
  • autocritique
  • autocropping
  • autocross
  • autocruise
  • autocthon
  • autoctisis
  • autocued
  • autocuer
  • autocunnilingus
  • autocutie
  • autocycle
  • autocyclization
  • autocyst
  • autodarwinate
  • autodecomposition
  • autodecrement
  • autodefenestration
  • autodegradation
  • autodelete
  • autodeletion
  • autodephosphorylate
  • autodephosphorylation
  • autodescriptive
  • autodestruct
  • autodestruction
  • autodestructive
  • autodetachment
  • autodetect
  • autodetection
  • autodetonation
  • autodiagnosis
  • autodiagnostic
  • autodial
  • autodialer
  • autodidactically
  • autodidacticism
  • autodidactism
  • autodiegetic
  • autodiffusion
  • autodigest
  • autodigestive
  • autodiscovery
  • autodissemination
  • autodocking
  • autodrome
  • autoduality
  • autodynamic
  • autodynamics
  • autoecious
  • autoecism
  • autoencoder
  • autoencoding
  • autoenrollment
  • autoepistemic
  • autoepitope
  • autoequivalence
  • autoerotic
  • autoerotica
  • autoerotically
  • autoerotism
  • autoethnographic
  • autoethnographical
  • autoethnographically
  • autoethnography
  • autoexplosive
  • autoexposure
  • autofade
  • autofecundation
  • autofeedback
  • autofellate
  • autofellatio
  • autofellator
  • autofiction
  • autofictional
  • autofit
  • autofluff
  • autofluoresce
  • autofluorescing
  • autoflush
  • autoformat
  • autogain
  • autogamous
  • autogamously
  • autogamy
  • autoganzfeld
  • autogas
  • autogated
  • autogating
  • autogemination
  • autogeneal
  • autogenerate
  • autogeneration
  • autogenesis
  • autogenetic
  • autogenetically
  • autogenically
  • autogenocide
  • autogenously
  • autogeosyncline
  • autogestion
  • autoglossonym
  • autoglottonym
  • autognosis
  • autognostic
  • autognostics
  • autograft
  • autogram
  • autograph book
  • autographal
  • autographic
  • autographical
  • autographically
  • autographism
  • autography
  • autograss
  • autograt
  • autogravitation
  • autogravure
  • autogreet
  • autogressive
  • autoguidance
  • autogynephile
  • autogynephilia
  • autogynephilic
  • autogynophilia
  • autohaemorrhaging
  • autohaemotherapy
  • autoharp
  • autoharpist
  • autohemorrhaging
  • autohemotherapy
  • autohesion
  • autohide
  • autohotel
  • autohydrogenotrophic
  • autohydrolysis
  • autohypnotic
  • autohypnotism
  • autoicon
  • autoignite
  • autoignition
  • autoimmunization
  • autoimmunogenic
  • autoimmunologic
  • autoimmunological
  • autoimmunology
  • autoincrement
  • autoindexing
  • autoinduce
  • autoinducer
  • autoinducing
  • autoinduction
  • autoinfanticide
  • autoinfect
  • autoinfection
  • autoinflammation
  • autoinflammatory
  • autoinhibit
  • autoinhibited
  • autoinhibition
  • autoinhibitory
  • autoinjection
  • autoinoculable
  • autoinoculation
  • autoinstall
  • autoinstallation
  • autointegration
  • autointeraction
  • autointoxication
  • autoion
  • autoionic
  • autoionization
  • autoionizational
  • autoionize
  • autoiris
  • autoist
  • autojoin
  • autojumble
  • autokabalesis
  • autokeratometer
  • autokeratometry
  • autokey
  • autokick
  • autokill
  • autokinase
  • autokinesis
  • autokinetic
  • autolanding
  • autolatric
  • autolatrous
  • autolatry
  • autolearning
  • autoless
  • autoligating
  • autoligation
  • autolipophagosome
  • autolipophagy
  • autolith
  • autolithify
  • autoload
  • autoloading
  • autolocalization
  • autolocalized
  • autolocking
  • autological
  • autologin
  • autologously
  • autology
  • autoloom
  • autoloop
  • autoluminescence
  • Autolycan
  • Autolycus
  • autolysate
  • autolyse
  • autolysin
  • autolysis
  • autolysosomal
  • autolysosome
  • autolytic
  • autolytical
  • autolyze
  • autolyzed yeast extract
  • autom
  • autom cove
  • autom mort
  • automacy
  • automagic
  • automagical
  • automagically
  • automaking
  • automania
  • automaniac
  • automap
  • automapping
  • automassage
  • automat
  • automatability
  • automatable
  • automated clearing house
  • automated machine learning
  • automated teller machine
  • automated test framework
  • Automated Transfer Vehicle
  • automatedly
  • automath
  • automatic data processing machine
  • automatic distance control
  • automatic leveling system
  • automatic rifle
  • automatic teller machine
  • automatic transmission
  • automatic writing
  • automatical
  • automaticism
  • automatick
  • automaticness
  • automatist
  • automatistic
  • automative
  • automatize
  • automatograph
  • automatonlike
  • automatous
  • automelon
  • automerization
  • automethylate
  • automictic
  • automictically
  • automimic
  • automimicry
  • automixis
  • automixte
  • automize
  • automizer
  • automobile racing
  • automobile-racing
  • automobileless
  • automobilism
  • automobilist
  • automobilization
  • automobilize
  • automodification
  • automorph
  • automorphic
  • automorphic number
  • automorphically
  • automorphogenesis
  • automorphy
  • automount
  • automounter
  • automysophobia
  • Auton
  • autonav
  • autonepiophilia
  • Autonoe
  • autonoesis
  • autonoetic
  • autonomasia
  • autonomasy
  • autonomation
  • autonomic nervous system
  • autonomically
  • autonomics
  • autonomism
  • autonomize
  • autonomous community
  • autonomous oblast
  • Autonomous Oblast
  • autonomous okrug
  • Autonomous Region of the Azores
  • Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia
  • Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic
  • autonomousness
  • autonumbered
  • autonumbering
  • autonym
  • autonymic
  • autonymically
  • autonymous
  • autonymously
  • autonymy
  • autooxidation
  • autooxidative
  • autopalatine
  • autoparallel
  • autopartitioning
  • autopatch
  • autopathic
  • autopathography
  • autopathy
  • autopatrolled
  • autopause
  • autopay
  • autopayment
  • autopen
  • autoperformance
  • autophagi
  • autophagia
  • autophagic
  • autophagocytosed
  • autophagocytosis
  • autophagocytotic
  • autophagolysosomal
  • autophagolysosome
  • autophagosis
  • autophagosomal
  • autophagosome
  • autophagous
  • autophagy
  • autophanous
  • autophile
  • autophobia
  • autophobic
  • autophobicity
  • autophoby
  • autophone
  • Autophone
  • autophony
  • autophoresis
  • autophoretic
  • autophosphatase
  • autophosphorylate
  • autophosphorylating
  • autophragm
  • autophyte
  • autopia
  • autopiano
  • autopipette
  • autoplastic
  • autoplasty
  • autoplay
  • autoploid
  • autoploidy
  • autoplunger
  • autopneumatic
  • autopod
  • autopodial
  • autopodium
  • autopoisoning
  • autopoisonous
  • autopolar
  • autopolarity
  • autopolyploid
  • autopolyploidization
  • autopolyploidy
  • autopopulate
  • autopopulation
  • autopositioning
  • autoprocessing
  • autoprojection
  • autoprojector
  • autoprotective
  • autoproteolysis
  • autoproteolytic
  • autoproteolytically
  • autoprotolysis
  • autoprotonation
  • autoprotonization
  • autopsic
  • autopsical
  • autopsist
  • autoptic
  • autoptically
  • autorack
  • autoradiochromatograph
  • autoradiolysis
  • autoreact
  • autoreceive
  • autoreceptor
  • autorecloser
  • autorecognition
  • autoredirection
  • autoredox
  • autoreducibility
  • autoreducible
  • autoreference
  • autoreferential
  • autoreferentiality
  • autoreferentially
  • autorefraction
  • autorefractive
  • autorefractometer
  • autorefractometry
  • autorefractor
  • autorefresh
  • autorefrigerated
  • autorefrigeration
  • autoregenerate
  • autoregister
  • autoregistration
  • autoregressively
  • autoregulative
  • autoregulator
  • autoregulatory loop
  • autorelease
  • autorenewal
  • autorenewing
  • autorepeat
  • autoreply
  • autoresonance
  • autoresponder
  • autoresponse
  • autoresuscitation
  • autorewind
  • autorhythmic
  • autorhythmicity
  • autorick
  • autorickshaw
  • autorotate
  • autorotational
  • autorotative
  • autorun
  • autosarcophagy
  • autosave
  • autoscale
  • autoscaling
  • autoscanning
  • autoscattering
  • autoschediasm
  • autoschediastic
  • autoscopic
  • autoscopy
  • autoscoring
  • autoscrolling
  • autosegment
  • autosegmental
  • autoselect
  • autosemantic
  • autosend
  • autosensing
  • autosexing
  • autosexual
  • autosexuality
  • autosexually
  • autoshuffle
  • autosite
  • autosleep
  • autosodomy
  • autosoliton
  • autosomally
  • autosoterism
  • autospeak
  • autosperm
  • autosplenectomized
  • autospore
  • autostability
  • autostainer
  • autostaining
  • autostart
  • autosteer
  • autostereogram
  • autostereographic
  • autostereoscopic
  • autostereoscopy
  • autostop
  • autostraightened
  • autostylic
  • autostyly
  • autosub
  • autosuggest
  • autosuggestibility
  • autosuggestible
  • autosuggestive
  • autosynchronization
  • autosynchronous
  • autotarget
  • autotaxin
  • autoteller
  • autotesting
  • autotetraploid
  • autotetraploidy
  • autothaumaturgist
  • autotheism
  • autotheist
  • autotheistic
  • autotherapeutic
  • autothermal
  • autothermic
  • autothrottle
  • autothysis
  • autotomic
  • autotomise
  • autotomize
  • autotomous
  • Autotools

Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.

Comments (2)

  • #1 some words are complicated
    Written by: lucas on 19/06/2024
  • #2 the list has words some peope may not know.
    Written by: lucas on 19/06/2024

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