This morpheme tends to mean "self". Some of the most representative words that include it are: autism, automatic, autoimmune, autograph
See the full list below:
- authority
- author
- autumn
- automatically
- automatic
- autonomy
- autonomous
- authentic
- authoritative
- authoritarian
- autobiography
- automation
- authenticity
- authorisation
- auto
- automobile
- authorise
- autocratic
- autobiographical
- autograph
- authorship
- autonomic
- authorization
- automotive
- autocracy
- autoimmune
- authorize
- autopsy
- authorial
- authoritarianism
- autumnal
- autistic
- autoradiography
- autobahn
- authentically
- authoritatively
- automate
- automaton
- autonomously
- autocrat
- authentication
- autopilot
- autonomization
- autism
- autocue
- auto-immune
- authenticate
- autocorrelation
- autorotation
- autocatalyst
- authoress
- autarchy
- automatism
- autoroute
- autochrome
- auteur
- authigenic
- autoradiogram
- autoradiograph
- autofocus
- autoradiographed
- autarchic
- autoantibody
- autologous
- autoradiographic
- autostrada
- autocratically
- autocephalous
- autocrine
- autosomal
- autobiographer
- autarch
- autarky
- autofluorescence
- autoimmunity
- automaker
- autonomist
- autophosphorylation
- autoregressive
- autotomy
- autarkic
- auto-suggestion
- autobus
- autoregulation
- autoregulatory
- autoshaping
- autochthonous
- autoclave
- autodidact
- autogenic
- autogiro
- automaticity
- automatization
- autopoiesis
- auto-da-fe
- autoanalyser
- autogyro
- autoinjector
- autoparts
- autopoietic
- autotitrator
- auteurist
- authentics
- authorially
- authoritativeness
- authorless
- autocatalytic
- autochanger
- autodigestion
- autotransplantation
- autosampler
- autotest
- autem
- auteurism
- authenticator
- authenticism
- auto-
- autodialler
- autoflow
- autogenous
- autogolpe
- autohelm
- autowinder
- autoloader
- autotype
- automatisation
- automobilia
- auton
- autoreactive
- autoshaped
- autosport
- autosuggestion
- autotelic
- autotransformer
- authenticist
- authentique
- authoritie
- autistically
- auto-off
- autoactivation
- autoanalysis
- autoanalyzer
- autoantigen
- autobiog
- autobiographically
- autoblock
- autobox
- autocannon
- autocentric
- autocephalic
- autunite
- autoconfig
- autoconfiguration
- autocook
- autocorrelator
- autodefrost
- autodidactic
- autoeroticism
- autofill
- autofire
- autoflash
- autofluorescent
- autohagiography
- autohypnosis
- autozero
- autoland
- automethylation
- automobility
- automorphism
- autophilia
- autophosphorylated
- autoportrait
- autopsychological
- autoranging
- autoreactivity
- autoregression
- autoregulate
- autorepression
- autoreverse
- autoscope
- autosome
- autosplenectomy
- autotelism
- autotherapy
- autotimer
- aut-
- autacoid
- autantonym
- autapomorph
- autapomorphic
- autapomorphically
- autapomorphous
- autapomorphy
- autapse
- autaptic
- autarchoglossan
- autard
- autarkical
- autarkically
- autassassinophilia
- Autauga
- Autauga County
- Autauga Creek
- autecological
- autecologist
- autecology
- autem bawler
- autem cackle tub
- autem cackler
- autem cove
- autem dipper
- autem diver
- autem gogler
- autem jet
- autem mort
- autem prickear
- autem quaver
- autem quaver tub
- autem-gogler
- Auten
- auteurial
- auteurship
- autexousious
- auth
- Auth
- auth.
- Auth.
- Auth. Ver.
- authalic
- Authement
- Authenreith
- authentic cadence
- authenticable
- authentical
- authenticalness
- authenticatable
- authentick
- authenticke
- authentickly
- authenticly
- authenticness
- authentification
- authentiquely
- authigenically
- author of life
- authorable
- authorcraft
- authordom
- authorhood
- authorial intent
- authoriality
- authoring program
- authorisable
- authorised term
- authoriser
- authorish
- authorism
- authoritarianist
- authoritarianly
- authorityless
- authorizable
- authorized term
- Authorized Version
- authorizer
- authorlike
- authorling
- authorly
- authour
- authouress
- authourity
- authourize
- authourship
- authress
- autie
- Autin
- autism spectrum
- autism spectrum disorder
- autismland
- autist
- autistic spectrum
- autistic spectrum disorder
- autistiform
- Auto
- auto body
- auto da fe
- auto da fé
- auto de fe
- auto de fé
- auto insurance
- auto mechanic
- auto park
- auto racing
- auto shop
- auto show
- auto transport truck
- auto-antonym
- autunitic
- auto-block
- auto-brewery syndrome
- auto-da-fé
- auto-de-fe
- auto-de-fé
- auto-directional
- auto-education
- auto-ethnocide
- auto-forwarding
- auto-genocide
- auto-injector
- auto-insurance
- auto-intoxication
- auto-lube
- auto-racing
- auto-redirect
- auto-redirection
- auto-redox
- auto-reply
- auto-shuffle
- auto-tiering
- auto-tune
- auto-tuner
- Auto.
- autoacceleration
- autoacetylated
- autoacetylation
- autoactivate
- autoadjust
- autoadjustment
- autoadjuvant
- autoadministered
- autoagglutinating
- autoagglutination
- autoaggregation
- autoaggressive
- autoalgometer
- autoalgometric
- autoalgometry
- autoalign
- autoalignment
- autoallergy
- autoamplification
- autoamplificatory
- autoamputate
- autoamputation
- autoanalingus
- autoandrophilia
- autoanswer
- autoantigenic
- autoantigenicity
- autoantonym
- autoapomorphic
- autoassociative
- autoassociator
- autoaway
- autobalancing
- autobarotropic
- autobarotropy
- autobasidium
- autobaud
- autobicycle
- autobio
- autobiochemical
- autobiografiction
- autobiografictional
- autobiographic
- autobiographism
- autobiographist
- autobiopic
- autobiotinylation
- autoblanking
- autobody
- autoboot
- autoboxed
- autoboxing
- autobracketing
- autobraking
- autobuffering
- autobuffet
- autocab
- autocade
- autocalibrating
- autocalibration
- autocancel
- autocannibalism
- autocapitalization
- autocatalyse
- autocatalysed
- autocatalysis
- autocatalytical
- autocatalytically
- autocatalyze
- autocategorisation
- autocategorization
- autocategorize
- autocentrism
- autocephality
- autocephaly
- autochef
- autochorous
- autochorously
- autochory
- autochronograph
- autochthon
- autochthonal
- autochthone
- autochthonic
- autochthonism
- autochthonously
- autochthony
- autochtonous
- autocidal
- autocide
- autoclasis
- autoclassification
- autoclassifier
- autoclassify
- autoclastic
- autoclavability
- autoclavable
- autoclavation
- autocleaning
- autocleavage
- autoclick
- autoclip
- autoclitic
- autoclose
- autocode
- autocoded
- autocoherer
- autocoid
- autocollimation
- autocollimator
- autocommit
- autocomplete
- autocompletion
- autoconcurrency
- autocondensation
- autoconfigure
- autoconfirm
- autoconfirmation
- autoconfirmed
- autoconnection
- autoconstruction
- autoconvection
- autoconvective
- autoconversion
- autoconvolution
- autocoprophagy
- autocorrect
- autocorrection
- autocorrective
- autocorrelate
- autocorrelated
- autocorrelating
- autocorrelational
- autocorrelative
- autocorrelogram
- autocoup
- autocovariance
- autocovariate
- autocratical
- autocrator
- autocratorical
- autocratress
- autocratrix
- autocratship
- autocreation
- autocrime
- autocrinal
- autocrinally
- autocritical
- autocriticism
- autocritique
- autocropping
- autocross
- autocruise
- autocthon
- autoctisis
- autocued
- autocuer
- autocunnilingus
- autocutie
- autocycle
- autocyclization
- autocyst
- autodarwinate
- autodecomposition
- autodecrement
- autodefenestration
- autodegradation
- autodelete
- autodeletion
- autodephosphorylate
- autodephosphorylation
- autodescriptive
- autodestruct
- autodestruction
- autodestructive
- autodetachment
- autodetect
- autodetection
- autodetonation
- autodiagnosis
- autodiagnostic
- autodial
- autodialer
- autodidactically
- autodidacticism
- autodidactism
- autodiegetic
- autodiffusion
- autodigest
- autodigestive
- autodiscovery
- autodissemination
- autodocking
- autodrome
- autoduality
- autodynamic
- autodynamics
- autoecious
- autoecism
- autoencoder
- autoencoding
- autoenrollment
- autoepistemic
- autoepitope
- autoequivalence
- autoerotic
- autoerotica
- autoerotically
- autoerotism
- autoethnographic
- autoethnographical
- autoethnographically
- autoethnography
- autoexplosive
- autoexposure
- autofade
- autofecundation
- autofeedback
- autofellate
- autofellatio
- autofellator
- autofiction
- autofictional
- autofit
- autofluff
- autofluoresce
- autofluorescing
- autoflush
- autoformat
- autogain
- autogamous
- autogamously
- autogamy
- autoganzfeld
- autogas
- autogated
- autogating
- autogemination
- autogeneal
- autogenerate
- autogeneration
- autogenesis
- autogenetic
- autogenetically
- autogenically
- autogenocide
- autogenously
- autogeosyncline
- autogestion
- autoglossonym
- autoglottonym
- autognosis
- autognostic
- autognostics
- autograft
- autogram
- autograph book
- autographal
- autographic
- autographical
- autographically
- autographism
- autography
- autograss
- autograt
- autogravitation
- autogravure
- autogreet
- autogressive
- autoguidance
- autogynephile
- autogynephilia
- autogynephilic
- autogynophilia
- autohaemorrhaging
- autohaemotherapy
- autoharp
- autoharpist
- autohemorrhaging
- autohemotherapy
- autohesion
- autohide
- autohotel
- autohydrogenotrophic
- autohydrolysis
- autohypnotic
- autohypnotism
- autoicon
- autoignite
- autoignition
- autoimmunization
- autoimmunogenic
- autoimmunologic
- autoimmunological
- autoimmunology
- autoincrement
- autoindexing
- autoinduce
- autoinducer
- autoinducing
- autoinduction
- autoinfanticide
- autoinfect
- autoinfection
- autoinflammation
- autoinflammatory
- autoinhibit
- autoinhibited
- autoinhibition
- autoinhibitory
- autoinjection
- autoinoculable
- autoinoculation
- autoinstall
- autoinstallation
- autointegration
- autointeraction
- autointoxication
- autoion
- autoionic
- autoionization
- autoionizational
- autoionize
- autoiris
- autoist
- autojoin
- autojumble
- autokabalesis
- autokeratometer
- autokeratometry
- autokey
- autokick
- autokill
- autokinase
- autokinesis
- autokinetic
- autolanding
- autolatric
- autolatrous
- autolatry
- autolearning
- autoless
- autoligating
- autoligation
- autolipophagosome
- autolipophagy
- autolith
- autolithify
- autoload
- autoloading
- autolocalization
- autolocalized
- autolocking
- autological
- autologin
- autologously
- autology
- autoloom
- autoloop
- autoluminescence
- Autolycan
- Autolycus
- autolysate
- autolyse
- autolysin
- autolysis
- autolysosomal
- autolysosome
- autolytic
- autolytical
- autolyze
- autolyzed yeast extract
- autom
- autom cove
- autom mort
- automacy
- automagic
- automagical
- automagically
- automaking
- automania
- automaniac
- automap
- automapping
- automassage
- automat
- automatability
- automatable
- automated clearing house
- automated machine learning
- automated teller machine
- automated test framework
- Automated Transfer Vehicle
- automatedly
- automath
- automatic data processing machine
- automatic distance control
- automatic leveling system
- automatic rifle
- automatic teller machine
- automatic transmission
- automatic writing
- automatical
- automaticism
- automatick
- automaticness
- automatist
- automatistic
- automative
- automatize
- automatograph
- automatonlike
- automatous
- automelon
- automerization
- automethylate
- automictic
- automictically
- automimic
- automimicry
- automixis
- automixte
- automize
- automizer
- automobile racing
- automobile-racing
- automobileless
- automobilism
- automobilist
- automobilization
- automobilize
- automodification
- automorph
- automorphic
- automorphic number
- automorphically
- automorphogenesis
- automorphy
- automount
- automounter
- automysophobia
- Auton
- autonav
- autonepiophilia
- Autonoe
- autonoesis
- autonoetic
- autonomasia
- autonomasy
- autonomation
- autonomic nervous system
- autonomically
- autonomics
- autonomism
- autonomize
- autonomous community
- autonomous oblast
- Autonomous Oblast
- autonomous okrug
- Autonomous Region of the Azores
- Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia
- Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic
- autonomousness
- autonumbered
- autonumbering
- autonym
- autonymic
- autonymically
- autonymous
- autonymously
- autonymy
- autooxidation
- autooxidative
- autopalatine
- autoparallel
- autopartitioning
- autopatch
- autopathic
- autopathography
- autopathy
- autopatrolled
- autopause
- autopay
- autopayment
- autopen
- autoperformance
- autophagi
- autophagia
- autophagic
- autophagocytosed
- autophagocytosis
- autophagocytotic
- autophagolysosomal
- autophagolysosome
- autophagosis
- autophagosomal
- autophagosome
- autophagous
- autophagy
- autophanous
- autophile
- autophobia
- autophobic
- autophobicity
- autophoby
- autophone
- Autophone
- autophony
- autophoresis
- autophoretic
- autophosphatase
- autophosphorylate
- autophosphorylating
- autophragm
- autophyte
- autopia
- autopiano
- autopipette
- autoplastic
- autoplasty
- autoplay
- autoploid
- autoploidy
- autoplunger
- autopneumatic
- autopod
- autopodial
- autopodium
- autopoisoning
- autopoisonous
- autopolar
- autopolarity
- autopolyploid
- autopolyploidization
- autopolyploidy
- autopopulate
- autopopulation
- autopositioning
- autoprocessing
- autoprojection
- autoprojector
- autoprotective
- autoproteolysis
- autoproteolytic
- autoproteolytically
- autoprotolysis
- autoprotonation
- autoprotonization
- autopsic
- autopsical
- autopsist
- autoptic
- autoptically
- autorack
- autoradiochromatograph
- autoradiolysis
- autoreact
- autoreceive
- autoreceptor
- autorecloser
- autorecognition
- autoredirection
- autoredox
- autoreducibility
- autoreducible
- autoreference
- autoreferential
- autoreferentiality
- autoreferentially
- autorefraction
- autorefractive
- autorefractometer
- autorefractometry
- autorefractor
- autorefresh
- autorefrigerated
- autorefrigeration
- autoregenerate
- autoregister
- autoregistration
- autoregressively
- autoregulative
- autoregulator
- autoregulatory loop
- autorelease
- autorenewal
- autorenewing
- autorepeat
- autoreply
- autoresonance
- autoresponder
- autoresponse
- autoresuscitation
- autorewind
- autorhythmic
- autorhythmicity
- autorick
- autorickshaw
- autorotate
- autorotational
- autorotative
- autorun
- autosarcophagy
- autosave
- autoscale
- autoscaling
- autoscanning
- autoscattering
- autoschediasm
- autoschediastic
- autoscopic
- autoscopy
- autoscoring
- autoscrolling
- autosegment
- autosegmental
- autoselect
- autosemantic
- autosend
- autosensing
- autosexing
- autosexual
- autosexuality
- autosexually
- autoshuffle
- autosite
- autosleep
- autosodomy
- autosoliton
- autosomally
- autosoterism
- autospeak
- autosperm
- autosplenectomized
- autospore
- autostability
- autostainer
- autostaining
- autostart
- autosteer
- autostereogram
- autostereographic
- autostereoscopic
- autostereoscopy
- autostop
- autostraightened
- autostylic
- autostyly
- autosub
- autosuggest
- autosuggestibility
- autosuggestible
- autosuggestive
- autosynchronization
- autosynchronous
- autotarget
- autotaxin
- autoteller
- autotesting
- autotetraploid
- autotetraploidy
- autothaumaturgist
- autotheism
- autotheist
- autotheistic
- autotherapeutic
- autothermal
- autothermic
- autothrottle
- autothysis
- autotomic
- autotomise
- autotomize
- autotomous
- Autotools
Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.