This morpheme tends to mean "light". Some of the most representative words that include it are: photograph, photon, photobiotic
See the full list below:
- photograph
- photo
- photography
- photographer
- photographic
- photocopy
- photosynthesis
- photon
- photocopier
- photochemical
- photogenic
- photolysis
- photosynthetic
- photographically
- photoelectron
- photovoltaic
- photocall
- photoelectric
- photochemistry
- photomultiplier
- photostat
- photometric
- photophobia
- photocoagulation
- photosensitive
- photovoltaics
- photogravure
- photocell
- photofit
- photomicrography
- photoperiod
- photophobic
- photoplay
- photosynthesise
- phototypesetting
- photic
- photodiode
- photodissociation
- photoionization
- photojournalism
- photometry
- photomicrograph
- photoshop
- phototherapy
- phototransistor
- photocomposition
- phototypesetter
- photolithography
- photometer
- photomontage
- photoreception
- photosynthesize
- photochemically
- photocopiable
- photogeology
- photo-essay
- photoconductor
- photogrammetry
- photoprocessing
- photorealism
- photosetter
- photosynthesizing
- phototype
- photo-
- photobooth
- photodynamic
- photoelectrochemical
- photoemission
- photoflood
- photojournalist
- photomatic
- photomicrographic
- photoreceptor
- photorefractive
- photosensitivity
- photosynthate
- photo-realism
- photocatalytic
- photocurable
- photodetector
- photoexcitation
- photogeological
- photolytic
- photomechanical
- photometrically
- photomicroscope
- photoperiodism
- photopia
- photoreal
- photoreportage
- photoresponse
- photosensitisation
- photoset
- photosphere
- photosynthetically
- photo-offset
- photo-voltaic
- photoallergic
- photobleaching
- photocathode
- photochromic
- photocollage
- photocompose
- photocrosslinking
- photocurrent
- photodegradable
- photodestruction
- photodevice
- photodissociating
- photodrama
- photoflash
- photogeologist
- photogrammetric
- photographical
- photoguide
- photoimaging
- photoionised
- photoionized
- photolabile
- photolithographically
- photoluminescence
- photolyzed
- photomechanically
- photometrist
- photomicrographer
- photonic
- photonics
- photophone
- photophonic
- photopigment
- photoprotein
- photoreaction
- photorealistic
- photoreceptive
- photorefraction
- photoresist
- photosculpture
- photoshoot
- photosystem
- phototransduction
- phototropism
- phototypeset
- photovoltage
- phot
- phot-
- photagogue
- photalgia
- photelectric
- photelectrically
- photic sneeze reflex
- photic zone
- photichthyid
- photics
- photid
- photinia
- photino
- photism
- photo artist
- photo booth
- photo cube
- photo echo
- photo essay
- photo finish
- photo finishing
- photo magnet
- photo op
- photo opportunity
- photo shoot
- photo-degradation
- photo-portrait
- photo-romance
- photoablation
- photoabsorbance
- photoabsorbent
- photoabsorption
- photoacclimate
- photoacclimation
- photoacclimatory
- photoacid
- photoacoustic
- photoacoustically
- photoacoustics
- photoactinic
- photoactivable
- photoactivatable
- photoactivate
- photoactivated
- photoactivating
- photoactivation
- photoactive
- photoactivity
- photoadaptation
- photoaddition
- photoadsorption
- photoaffinity
- photoaffinity labeling
- photoaffinity labelling
- photoaged
- photoaging
- photoagonism
- photoalidade
- photoaligned
- photoalignment
- photoallergy
- photoanaerobe
- photoangiolytic
- photoangioplasty
- photoannulation
- photoanode
- photoanodic
- photoaquation
- photoartist
- photoassimilate
- photoassisted
- photoassociate
- photoassociated
- photoassociation
- photoassociative
- photoautotroph
- photoautotrophic
- photoautotrophy
- photobacterial
- photobacterium
- photobank
- photobeam
- photobiography
- photobiologic
- photobiological
- photobiologically
- photobiologist
- photobiology
- photobiomodulation
- photobionic
- photobiont
- photobiophysical
- photobiophysics
- photobioreactor
- photobiosynthesis
- photobiosynthetic
- photobiotic
- photoblank
- photoblastic
- photobleach
- photobleached
- photoblinking
- photoblog
- photoblogger
- photoblogging
- photobomb
- photobomber
- photobombing
- photobook
- photocage
- photocaged
- photocaging
- photocarcinogen
- photocarcinogenesis
- photocarcinogenic
- photocarcinogenicity
- photocard
- photocarrier
- photocatalysed
- photocatalysis
- photocatalyst
- photocatalyzed
- photocathodic
- photocenter
- photocentre
- photocentric
- photoceptor
- photoceramic
- photoceramics
- photochemic
- photochemical reaction
- photochemical smog
- photochemist
- photochemotherapeutic
- photochemotherapy
- photochirogenesis
- photochlorination
- photochop
- photochopper
- photochrom
- photochromatic
- photochrome
- photochromically
- photochromics
- photochromism
- photochromogen
- photochromogenic
- photochromogenicity
- photochromography
- photochromoscope
- photochromotype
- photochromotypy
- photochromy
- photochronograph
- photochronographic
- photochronography
- photocleavable
- photocleavage
- photocleave
- photocleaved
- photoclinometer
- photoclinometry
- photocoagulate
- photocoagulator
- photocolorimeter
- photocolorimetry
- photocomic
- photocomposer
- photoconceptual
- photoconceptualism
- photoconceptualist
- photoconductance
- photoconducting
- photoconduction
- photoconductive
- photoconductivity
- photoconjunctivitis
- photoconsistency
- photocontrol
- photoconvection
- photoconvective
- photoconversion
- photoconvert
- photoconverted
- photoconverter
- photoconvertible
- photocopylore
- photocorrosion
- photocount
- photocounter
- photocounting
- photocoupled
- photocoupler
- photocoupling
- photocrosslinked
- photocrosslinker
- photocured
- photocuring
- photocycle
- photocyclization
- photocycloaddition
- photocycloreversion
- photocytotoxicity
- photodamage
- photodamaged
- photodamaging
- photodarkening
- photodarlington
- photodecarbonylation
- photodecarboxylation
- photodecolouration
- photodecompose
- photodecomposition
- photodeconjugation
- photodegradability
- photodegradation
- photodegradative
- photodegrade
- photodegraded
- photodehydrogenation
- photodensitometer
- photodensitometry
- photodepletion
- photodermatitis
- photodermatosis
- photodesorption
- photodetachment
- photodetection
- photodeterioration
- photodichroic
- photodichroism
- photodifference
- photodiffusion
- photodimerization
- photodisc
- photodisintegrate
- photodisintegrated
- photodisintegrating
- photodisintegration
- photodisk
- photodissociable
- photodissociate
- photodissociated
- photodissociative
- photodistribution
- photodocument
- photodocumentary
- photodope
- photodoped
- photodoping
- photodosimetry
- photodraft
- photodramatic
- photodrome
- photoduplicate
- photoduplicated
- photoduplication
- photoduplicator
- photodynamic therapy
- photodynamical
- photodynamically
- photodynamics
- photoeccentric
- photoecology
- photoelastic
- photoelasticity
- photoelectret
- photoelectric cell
- photoelectric effect
- photoelectrical
- photoelectrically
- photoelectricity
- photoelectroactive
- photoelectroactivity
- photoelectrochemically
- photoelectrochemistry
- photoelectrode
- photoelectrograph
- photoelectrolysis
- photoelectrolytic
- photoelectromagnetic
- photoelectromagnetic effect
- photoelectromotive
- photoelectronic
- photoelectrosynthesis
- photoelectrosynthetic
- photoelectrotype
- photoelement
- photoelimination
- photoemissive
- photoemissivity
- photoemit
- photoemitter
- photoenergy
- photoengrave
- photoengraver
- photoengraving
- photoenlarger
- photoenolization
- photoentrainment
- photoepinasty
- photoessay
- photoetch
- photoetching
- photoevaporated
- photoevaporating
- photoevaporation
- photoevaporative
- photoexchange
- photoexcite
- photoexcited
- photoexposure
- photofabrication
- photofading
- photofermentation
- photoferroelectric
- photoferroelectrics
- photofield
- photofinisher
- photofinishing
- photofission
- photofitting
- photofluorogram
- photofluorograph
- photofluorographic
- photofluorography
- photofragment
- photofragmentation
- photofrin
- photog
- photogain
- photogalvanic
- photogalvanographic
- photogalvanography
- photogate
- photogating
- photogelatin
- photogen
- photogene
- photogenerated
- photogeneration
- photogenesis
- photogenetic
- photogenically
- photogenicism
- photogenicity
- photogeny
- photogeologic
- photogeomorphology
- photoglow
- photoglow tube
- photoglycine
- photoglyphic
- photoglyphy
- photoglyptic
- photogoniometer
- photogram
- photogrammeter
- photogrammetrical
- photogrammetrically
- photogrammetrist
- photographability
- photographable
- photographee
- photographeress
- photographess
- photographic artist
- photographic interpretation
- photographic memory
- photographic paper
- photographic plate
- photographica
- photographist
- photographometer
- photographone
- photogravitational
- photohadronic
- photoheated
- photoheating
- photoheliograph
- photoheliographic
- photoheliography
- photoheliometer
- photoheterotroph
- photoheterotrophic
- photoheterotrophically
- photoheterotrophy
- photoholic
- photohomolysis
- photohydration
- photohydrogen
- photohydrolysis
- photoidentification
- photoimmunotherapeutic
- photoimmunotherapy
- photoimpedance
- photoinactivate
- photoinactivation
- photoinactive
- photoinduced
- photoinducible
- photoinduction
- photoinductive
- photoinhibition
- photoinitiated
- photoinitiation
- photoinitiator
- photoinject
- photoinjector
- photoinsensitive
- photointerpretation
- photointerpreter
- photoion
- photoionisation
- photoionize
- photoionizing
- photoirradiation
- photoisolator
- photoisomer
- photoisomerase
- photoisomerisation
- photoisomerism
- photoisomerizable
- photoisomerization
- photoisomerize
- photoisomerized
- photojournal
- photojournalistic
- photojunction
- photokeratitis
- photokeratoscopy
- photokilling
- photokinesis
- photokinetic
- photokinetics
- photolabeling
- photolabelling
- photolesion
- photoless
- photolike
- photolith
- photolithoautotroph
- photolithoautotrophic
- photolithoautotrophy
- photolithograph
- photolithographer
- photolithographic
- photolithotroph
- photolog
- photological
- photologist
- photology
- photoluminesce
- photoluminescent
- photolurker
- photolurking
- photolyase
- photolysable
- photolyse
- photolyte
- photolytically
- photolyzable
- photolyze
- photomacrograph
- photomacrography
- photomagnet
- photomagnetic
- photomagnetism
- photomagnetization
- photomagnetoelectric
- photomania
- photomanip
- photomanipulation
- photomap
- photomarathon
- photomask
- photomasking
- photomechanochemistry
- photomedical
- photomedicine
- photomeson
- photomesonic
- photometeor
- photometered
- photometrical
- photometrician
- photometrograph
- photomezzotype
- photomicrographically
- photomicroscopic
- photomicroscopically
- photomicroscopy
- photomorphogenesis
- photomorphogenic
- photomosaic
- photomultiplication
- photomultiplier tube
- photomural
- photomutagenicity
- photon belt
- photon sail
- photon tunnelling
- photonastic
- photonasty
- photonegative
- photonephelometer
- photonephograph
- photoneutrino
- photoneutron
- photonic crystal
- photonically
- photonovel
- photonuclear
- photonuclear reaction
- photooxidant
- photooxidation
- photooxidative
- photooxidizing
- photooxygenation
- photopaper
- photopatterned
- photopatterning
- photopeak
- photopentode
- photoperiodic
- photoperiodical
- photoperiodicity
- photoperturbation
- photopharmacology
- photophase
- photophasic
- photopheresis
- photophilic
- photophilous
- photophobicity
- photophobous
- photophony
- photophore
- photophoresis
- photophoretic
- photophosphorylase
- photophosphorylation
- photophygous
- photophysical
- photophysicist
- photophysics
- photophysiological
- photophysiology
- photophyte
- photophytic
- photopic
- photopiezoelectric
- photopiezoelectrics
- photopion
- photoplethysmogram
- photoplethysmograph
- photoplethysmographic
- photoplethysmography
- photoplotter
- photopolarimeter
- photopolarimetric
- photopollution
- photopolymer
- photopolymeric
- photopolymerizable
- photopolymerization
- photopolymerize
- photopolymerizing
- photoporation
- photoportrait
- photopositive
- photoprint
- photoprobe
- photoprocess
- photoproduce
- photoproduced
- photoproduct
- photoproduction
- photoprotect
- photoprotectant
- photoprotection
- photoprotective
- photoprotector
- photoproton
- photopsia
- photopsin
- photopsy
- photoptarmosis
- photopyroelectric
- photoradar
- photoreactivation
- photoreactive
- photoreactivity
- photoreactor
- photorealist
- photorearrangement
- photoreceiver
- photorecombination
- photoreconnaissance
- photoredox
- photoreduction
- photoreflectance
- photoreflexive
- photorefractive keratectomy
- photorefractively
- photorefractoriness
- photorefractory
- photoregulation
- photorejuvenation
- photoreleasable
- photorelease
- photoreleased
- photorelief
- photoremovable
- photoreproduce
- photoreproduction
- photoresistance
- photoresistant
- photoresistive
- photoresistor
- photorespiration
- photorespiratory
- photorespire
- photorespiring
- photoresponsive
- photoresponsivity
- photoreversal
- photoreversed
- photoreversible
- photoreversion
- photorheological
- photorhodopsin
- photosantonic acid
- photoscanner
- photoscience
- photoscope
- photoscopic
- photosculptor
- photosculptural
- photoselected
- photoselection
- photoselective
- photosensation
- photosensitise
- photosensitised
- photosensitiser
- photosensitising
- photosensitively
- photosensitiveness
- photosensitization
- photosensitize
- photosensitized
- photosensitizer
- photosensitizing
- photosensor
- photosensory
- photoserigraph
- photoserigraphy
- photosharing
- Photoshop
- photoshopped
- Photoshopper
- photoshopper
- photosite
- photospectrometric
- photospectrometry
- photospheric
- photospread
- photostability
- photostabilization
- photostabilize
- photostabilizer
- photostable
- photostatic
- photostatically
- photostationary
- photostatistics
- photostimulable
- photostimulated
- photostimulating
- photostimulation
- photostimulus
- photostory
- photostream
- photostress
- photostriction
- photostrictive
- photosubstitution
- photosurvey
- photoswitch
- photoswitchable
- photoswitched
- photoswitching
- photosymbiosis
- photosymbiotic
- photosyntax
- photosynthesiser
- photosynthesizer
- photosynthetron
- phototachymeter
- phototachymetric
- phototactic
- phototactically
- phototautomerization
- phototaxic
- phototaxis
- phototaxy
- phototelegraph
- phototelegraphic
- phototelegraphy
- phototelephony
- phototelescope
- phototelescopic
- phototheodolite
- phototherapeutic
- phototherapeutically
- phototherapic
- photothermal
- photothermally
- photothermic
- photothermoelasticity
- photothermography
- photothermoplastic
- photothreshold
- photothrombotic
- photothyristor
- phototonic
- phototonus
- phototopographer
- phototopographic
- phototopographical
- phototopographically
- phototopography
- phototoxic
- phototoxicity
- phototoxin
- phototransducing
- phototransect
- phototransfer
- phototransformation
- phototriangulation
- phototrichromatic
- phototrigger
- phototriggered
- phototronic
- phototroph
- phototrophic
- phototrophism
- phototrophy
- phototropic
- phototropin
- phototropy
- phototube
- phototunable
- phototuning
- phototypic
- phototypographic
- phototypographical
- phototypographically
- phototypography
- phototypy
- photounbinding
- photovaristor
- photoviscoelasticity
- photovisual
- photovoice
- photovoltaic cell
- photovoltaic effect
- photovoltaically
- photovore
- photowritten
- photoxidative
- photoxylographic
- photoxylography
- photozincograph
- photozincographic
- photozincography
- photuria
Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.