- mind one's P's and Q's
- cut someone some slack
- find it in one's heart
- put one's foot down on
- pull away the shoulder
- leave it all out there
- go over someone's head
- add one's twopenn'orth
- cut the umbilical cord
- get with the programme
- rattle someone's chain
- hit above one's weight
- get blood from a stone
- scare someone to death
- hit below one's weight
- go play in the traffic
- color inside the lines
- feather one's own nest
- blow one's own trumpet
- play one's cards right
- pull out all the stops
- hang out one's shingle
- put someone in mind of
- talk out of one's arse
- blow out of proportion
- stick one's tongue out
- harden someone's heart
- culturally appropriate
- give a hundred percent
- have a bun in the oven
- take up the cudgel for
- go the way of the dodo
- square one's shoulders
- swing round the circle
- pass through the hands
- go through the motions
- die just how one lived
- get it how one gets it
- damn with faint praise
- step on someone's toes
- bark at the wrong tree
- talk someone's ear off
- hit the ground running
- talk through one's ass
- talk through one's hat
- bark up the wrong tree
- collect one's thoughts
- put through the mangle
- sail close to the wind
- play up Old Gooseberry
- lie ill in one's mouth
- suck the oxygen out of
- set one's hair on fire
- pull up the drawbridge
- suck up all the air in
- move through the gears
- cry like a little girl
- get off someone's back
- burst someone's bubble
- know shit from Shinola
- have a whale of a time
- overstay one's welcome
- know someone from Adam
- handle with kid gloves
- let bygones be bygones
- cover all of the bases
- drop a dime on someone
- stare like a stuck pig
- know what one is about
- know what one is doing
- teach someone a lesson
- throw down one's tools
- think with one's penis
- épater la bourgeoisie
- get one's act together
- cite chapter and verse
- have down to a science
- get one's arse in gear
- call a shovel a shovel
- get one's ashes hauled
- tend to one's knitting
- set the Thames on fire
- return to one's senses
- make out like a bandit
- come from a good place
- bet a dime to a dollar
- bet a dollar to a dime
- have had it up to here
- mix apples and oranges
- give someone an earful
- cast in one's lot with
- bat for the other side
- bat for the other team
- kiss one's ass goodbye
- lift someone's spirits
- call it as one sees it
- have marital relations
- cast up one's accounts
- give someone the chair
- stand the test of time
- fall on someone's neck
- ride the cock carousel
- give someone the shits
- press the panic button
- keep it in one's pants
- come out of the closet
- call out of one's name
- give something a whirl
- scratch one's own itch
- keep one on one's toes
- give the devil his due
- poke someone's eye out
- scratch someone's back
- carry one's own weight
- keep one's eyes peeled
- take one's breath away
- bleed like a stuck hog
- wrap one's arms around
- bleed like a stuck pig
- wrap one's head around
- write one's own ticket
- look for a dog to kick
- paddle one's own canoe
- keep one's lips sealed
- have other fish to fry
- eat one's own dog food
- walk in straight lines
- keep one's own counsel
- get someone's Irish up
- get something straight
- manoeuvre the apostles
- show one's true colors
- manœuvre the apostles
- tickle someone's fancy
- see one's way clear to
- show someone the ropes
- float like a butterfly
- win one for the Gipper
- show the white feather
- pay the debt of nature
- phosphopantetheinylate
- piss money up the wall
- work someone's ass off
- take something as read
- soften someone's cough
- keep to one's knitting
- read between the lines
- draw a straight furrow
- lose the dressing room
- get through one's head
- draw one's last breath
- get a word in edgeways
- shoot off at the mouth
- get a word in edgewise
- tear someone a new one
- believe one's own eyes
- start the ball rolling
- sit there like a lemon
- go off the reservation
- spit in someone's face
- drink oneself to death
- go on the Abraham suit
- wear out one's welcome
- push someone's buttons
- hold the purse strings
Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.