- culturally appropriative
- psychoneuroimmunological
- harder than Chinese math
- trifluoromethanesulfonic
- atropodiastereoselective
- neuropsychophysiological
- existentialist anarchist
- commercial off-the-shelf
- like cheese at fourpence
- rode hard and put up wet
- Progressive Conservative
- nucleocosmochronological
- artificially intelligent
- radioimmunoscintigraphic
- environmentally friendly
- cerebellothalamocortical
- first come, first served
- full of piss and vinegar
- three sheets to the wind
- business-to-institutions
- antihypercholesterolemic
- easy peasy lemon squeezy
- easy peasy pumpkin peasy
- antihypertriglyceridemic
- number one with a bullet
- caught in the cookie jar
- simple as kiss your hand
- ponto-geniculo-occipital
- as happy as a pig in mud
- pornographico-devotional
- footloose and fancy free
- metabolically challenged
- corecursively enumerable
- chemoorganoheterotrophic
- crazy as a soup sandwich
- microspectrofluorometric
- worth its weight in gold
- in the pocket of someone
- antiacetylcholinesterase
- corticothalamocerebellar
- dumb as a bag of hammers
- too rich for one's blood
- all singing, all dancing
- right up someone's alley
- previously disadvantaged
- hypertriacylglycerolemic
- clean as a hound's tooth
Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.