Words containing the tripthong /əʊə/ (44)

Word Pronunciation (IPA)
flower /ˈfləʊə/
cowan /ˈkəʊən/
zoological /zəʊəˈlɒdʒɪkəl/
rowan /ɹəʊən/
balboa /bælˈbəʊə/
inchoate /ɪnˈkəʊət/
loa /ˈləʊə/
oocyte /ˈəʊəsʌɪt/
protozoan /ˌpɹəʊtəˈzəʊən/
oolite /ˈəʊəlʌɪt/
koa /kəʊə/
snower /ˈsnəʊə/
coadjutor /kəʊəˈdʒuːtə/
neuroanatomy /njʊəɹəʊəˈnatəmi/
overthrowal /əʊvəˈθɹəʊəl/
hyperoodon /haɪpəˈɹəʊədɒn/
dehydroascorbate /diːˌhaɪdɹəʊəˈskɔː(ɹ)beɪt/
gravo-acute accent /ˌɡɹɑːvəʊəˈkjuːt ˈæksənt/
Hohenzollern /ˌhəʊənˈzɒlən/
lowerarchy /ˈləʊəɹɑːki/
mulching mower /mʌltʃɪŋ məʊə/
Bohemond /ˈbəʊəmənd/
Noah /ˈnəʊə/
Noelle /ˈnəʊəl/
noophelia /nəʊəʊˈfiːlɪə/
oo /ˈəʊəʊ/
oo- /əʊə/
oocyst /ˈəʊəsɪst/
Alagoas /ˌæləˈɡəʊəs/
oogone /ˈəʊəɡəʊn/
anthozoan /anθə(ʊ)ˈzəʊən/
oolith /ˈəʊəlɪθ/
oophorectomy /ˌəʊəfəˈɹɛktəmi/
ootheca /əʊəˈθiːkə/
otooccipital /əʊtəʊəkˈsɪpɪtəl/
Antinoan /ænˈtɪnəʊən/
Antinous /ænˈtɪnəʊəs/
coöriginal /ˌkəʊəˈɹɪdʒənəl/
salpingo-oophorectomy /sælˌpɪŋɡəʊəʊəfəˈɹɛktəmi/
dehydroacetic acid /diːˌhaɪdɹəʊəˈsiːtɪkæsɪd/
dehydroamino /diːˌhaɪdɹəʊəˈmiːnəʊ/
zoopathology /ˌzəʊəpəˈθɒlədʒi/
zoöpathology /ˌzəʊəpəˈθɒləd͡ʒi/
zoophyte /ˈzəʊəfʌɪt/

Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.

Comments (3)

  • #1 "flower" doesn't have the sound /əʊ/, it's /aʊ/
    Written by: Youming Chanmg on 21/12/2020
  • #2 This list is nice but I don't know most of the words here so next time I need a list I want simpler words.
    A I also like the website it's straight forward and I love the tests but it doesn't give me what I want so can you work on that, like getting more words if that's how it works. Thanks.
    Written by: Jemima Ameh on 27/06/2022
  • #3 Fascinating n thrilling way to learning english
    Written by: Jack on 18/07/2024

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