- at
- about
- against
- without
- throughout
- past
- amongst
- except
- but
- out
- amidst
- post
- betwixt
- 'bout
- bout
- 'twixt
- aboot
- 'cept
- abaat
- ahint
- forenenst
- ageynest
- ageynst
- amiddest
- amiddst
- wit
- along about
- amidest
- fornenst
- fornent
- alongest
- 'longst
- emongst
- abaft
- alongst
- abaht
- wrt
- amongest
- amyddest
- amyddst
- amydst
- 'midst
- aout
- midst
- erbout
- exept
- to the effect
- anearst
- aslant
- abreast
- ferninst
- foregainst
- despight
- 'gainst
- abaout
- gainst
- bet
- over against
- adjacent
- bewest
- agaynest
- agaynst
- up against
- ayont
- amoungest
- 'mongst
- amoungst
- twixt
- alangst
- inbetwixt
- anighst
- as against
- wythowt
- foreanent
- aginst
- anenst
- ageinest
- anent
- ageinst
- on or about
- afront
- acrosst
- beyant
- acrost
- short
- next
- abowt
- absent
- overthwart
- athwart
- thruout
- agenest
- widout
- half past
- agenst
- dot
- againest
- betwyxt
Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.